Advanced Cancer Toolkit
This ‘toolkit’ aims to provide information and support to people who are living with advanced cancer, at any stage from diagnosis on. It can also be useful for family members and friends.
Specialist professionals have created this toolkit, with the help of people living with advanced cancer. Different professionals provide information, chosen because of their specialist knowledge on the topics – both from oncology and palliative care worlds. We hope it will help you feel more confident in managing your health and wellbeing.
Dip in and out of the resource, as you need it.
The focus of the toolkit is on quality of life – how to live as well as possible.
Topics will cover different areas of health and wellbeing including physical, social, psychological, emotional and spiritual. Each video will have a short introduction to what the content will cover. Some topics have a range of videos. You can choose which ones best meet your needs at this time.
This resource does not contain information on specific conditions and treatments. The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service can provide you with this information.
What do we mean by ‘palliative’ in this toolkit? Is this for you?
By Palliative, we mean a condition that is not curable. People can live with a palliative condition for years, and can still be getting treatment.
Palliative care services can help in a variety of ways, at different stages. The aim is to support a person to manage their condition as well as possible to improve quality of life.
Tell us what you think!
This toolkit is a new way for us to share information with you. We would appreciate your feedback as we continue to develop this resource.
You can give your feedback via our online feedback form.
Alternatively, email any comments to palliativecare.events@northerntrust.hscni.net, or speak to one of our team on 028 9442 4000, extension 336531.