Interpreting and Translation Services
The Northern Trust has a diverse population and all our service users and carers have a right to effective communication, in a form and language, that enables them to understand the information provided. This includes the right to an appropriately qualified interpreter. We are committed to ensuring that people understand the treatment and support options available.
Arranging an interpreter for your appointment
If you need an interpreter for a health and social care appointment you must arrange it through the hospital department or services you are visiting. Interpreters are available 24 hours, 7 days a week for inpatient, outpatient and within community services.
If you require any of the information we provide in a minority language or alternative format, please contact the Equality Unit.
Equality Unit
Tel: 028 276 61377
Email: equality.unit@northerntrust.hscni.net
Do you need a sign language interpreter for your appointment?
If you need a sign language interpreter for your health and social care appointment you must arrange it through the hospital department or services you are visiting. The Trust health professional will make the booking for a sign language interpreter on your behalf.
All sign language interpreting services for people in Northern Ireland who are deaf, deaf-blind and hard of hearing will be provided by Sign Language Interactions (SLI). Deaf users with service-related questions can text Sign Language Interactions directly on 075 2064 5246 to check an interpreter has been booked.